• sujaygchand@gmail.com


SkillsVR Hazard Management brings traditional health and safety training to life. Players utilise a virtual camera to find hazards in a factory.

The PRODUCT has 2 different networked applications, a VR participant and a facilitator (Desktop application).

I was with this project from day one until the intial launch. My responsibilities and contributions for this project were:

  • Developing the application level (Login system, writing web requests/responses linked to micro-services and etc.)

  • Developing and implement localisation tools

  • Assisting in VR interactable elements

  • Assisting in the build scripts

  • Developing VR emulation tools for debuging in editor

  • Developing error and game pop-up systems

  • Implementing game analytics

  • Implementing Text to Speech systems

  • Fixing gameplay, VR, networking and facilitator bugs on the scenario level.